Si on était un site consacré à la SF, ce serait sans doute la grosse news du jour. ;)
Halcyon Company Acquires Terminator Franchise Source: The Halcyon Company May 10, 2007The Halcyon Company announced today the acquisition of all the "Terminator" franchise rights. These rights include the right to produce any future "Terminator" films, as well as all future merchandising and licensing rights, certain future revenues derived from Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, as well as certain rights in the television project "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and the sole right to produce all future "Terminator" projects in any new or existing media.The Halcyon Company is a recently formed, privately financed, film development, production and financing company, headed by co-CEOs Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek. "The 'Terminator' franchise represents by far the most popular and successful franchise not owned by a major studio," said Mr. Kubicek. "While we have several other projects in the works, we see this global franchise as a cornerstone of Halcyon's future business plans."Terminator 4 will be based on a script by John Brancato and Michael Ferris and is envisioned to be the first film in a new "Terminator" trilogy. Halcyon plans to immediately begin pre-production on the new film. While as yet no distribution agreement has been set, Halcyon anticipates that "T4" will be ready for release in the first half of 2009, if not earlier.Moritz Borman, the Executive Producer of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines as well as the then-CEO of Intermedia Films (the co-production financial partner for "T3"), is slated to produce the new Terminator 4 film as well as being an integral member of the branding and licensing team. Kubicek and Anderson will co-produce.Moritz Borman stated, "With 'T3,' we included many incidental details and plot points that, along with the main narrative, set the stage for an entirely new set of inter-related stories covering the future adventures of John Connor and the Terminators. This new 'Terminator' trilogy will build upon the already huge worldwide Terminator fan base, which was both revitalized and expanded with the global success of 'T3.'"Anderson said, "We also plan to maximize the potential of the 'Terminator' franchise by entering into strategic relationships with world class merchandising and licensing partners. By quickly pursuing and finalizing these new opportunities, we are confident that all of these ventures can be completed in time to fully maximize their value by coinciding with the first of the new 'Terminator's' release."Anderson continued, "In addition to Moritz Borman, Peter D. Graves, who will be an Executive Producer on the film, was an integral part of the acquisition team. He will also continue to provide executive consulting services to The Halcyon Company as well as spearhead all aspects of the 'Terminator' marketing program. Alan Schwartz, Randy Paul and Vincent Chieffo of Greenberg Traurig represented Halcyon in the transaction and were critical to its successful completion. Alan Schwartz and the Greenberg Traurig firm will continue to provide ongoing legal counsel to The Halcyon Company."The most recent film of the multi-billion dollar "Terminator" franchise, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, was released domestically by Warner Bros. Pictures and internationally (excluding Japan and Korea) by Sony Pictures. This film generated over $450 million in worldwide box office, breaking numerous box office records around the world. The film went on to even greater success in its ancillary markets worldwide.The Halcyon Company is a recently established, privately funded, independent film development, production and financing company founded by Victor Kubicek and Derek Anderson. Anderson and Kubicek plan to produce a portion of Halcyon's future output with the balance of the company's pipeline, expected to be produced in conjunction with other established producers and production entities in the industry.Kubicek and Anderson both come from financial and creative backgrounds. Prior to co-founding Halcyon, Anderson was the founder and creative director of In the Mix, a boutique marketing and advertising agency, which was sold in 2000. Kubicek began his career in finance as a member of The American Stock Exchange and produced The Halcyon Company's first feature film Cook-Off!, which recently won an HBO Aspen Comedy Festival award.Moritz Borman has produced more than twenty films, most recently including Oliver Stone's World Trade Center and Alexander. Until 2005 he was Chairman and CEO of Intermedia Films, which he took public in 2000.Peter D. Graves is one of the top industry marketing consultants. Formerly President of Marketing for PolyGram Films, Graves has been directly responsible for, or consulted on, the marketing and release of over 200 titles including "Terminator 3"; The Perfect Storm; Braveheart; Fargo; The Score; Elizabeth; The Game; Dead Man Walking; The Usual Suspects; and Four Weddings and a Funeral.

C'est bien beau tout ça, mais Terminator sans governator G0001, qu'est-ce que ça peut donner ?Evidemmment, on peut facilement dire que les robots peuvent en avoir marre d'avoir la même gueule depuis 30 ans, et que ça marche aussi avec une terminaminette blonde...mais pour le script, je me demande ce que ça peut donner : le concept du robot tueur du futur va commencer à être bien usé...surtout que le futur est de plus en plus proche.

Je n'ai pas trop apprécié le troisième opus. Mais il a rapporté beaucoup d'argent, donc il est normal que ses instigateurs veulent poursuivre l'aventure.Pourtant c'est une trilogie qui n'aura sûrement pas grand chose à voir avec la première comme le dit Foradan (et schwarzy dans tout ça ? ) et j'ai l'impression que les producteurs se servent juste du nom afin d'attirer plus de spectateur.

Pourquoi les gens ils aiment pas le 3 ? :P C'est pas mon préféré bien-sûr, mais j'aime pas le laisser marcher dessus !Il colle vachement au reste de l'histoire même si le lien est alambiqué.

De nouveaux détails !
Variety reports that Warner Bros. has acquired North American distribution rights to Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, triggering an early 2008 production start for a film that seeks to reinvent the cyborg saga with a storyline to be told over a three-movie span.WB plans to distribute "Terminator Salvation" in summer 2009.The "Terminator" film franchise got a new lease on life in spring, when privately funded Halcyon and its co-CEOs Victor Kubicek and Derek Anderson teamed with Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines executive producer Moritz Borman to acquire film, merchandising and licensing rights from ex-Carolco partners Andy Vajna and Mario Kassar. Kubicek, Anderson and Borman are producing the new film, with Peter D. Graves as executive producer.WB had first right of negotiation for domestic theatrical and TV distribution rights because the studio played the same role on 2003's Jonathan Mostow-directed "Terminator 3."The producers said that the new film will carry the size and scale of "Terminator 3," and will have an event-sized budget.Sony Pictures Entertainment, which distributed "Terminator 3" in most overseas territories, is expected to get first crack at a reprise. Several other territories are spoken for, including Japan, where Toho-Towa is expected to distribute once again.A screenplay has been completed by "Terminator 3" writers John Brancato and Michael Ferris, and the financiers and studio are close to locking a director. While industry buzz has Charlie's Angels director McG as the odds-on favorite for the assignment, the producers said no final decision had yet been made."This is set in the future, in a full-scale war between Skynet and humankind," Anderson told the trade.Borman said: "The third film was really the conclusion of what happened in the 'now.' You will find the most-loved characters, but the intention here is to present a fresh new world and have this be the first of a trilogy."The producers said it wasn't yet clear whether Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back for his fourth appearance in the franchise that launched his movie career. "T3" was the last film in which he starred before becoming governor of California."We've left it open for him to maybe do a cameo," Borman said. "He has an important job, as we know, and the final decision will be based on his desire and availability, along with what the director wants."

C'est en anglais, mais rien que le titre me suffit... :pPourquoi ils ne se sont pas arrêtés au 2 hein ? Ils étaient vraiment biens , ça suffisait amplement. Le 3 a un peu tout gâché je trouve, alors une autre trilogie.... n'en parlons même pas. :(

Je le vois mal accepter de s'embarquer là-dedans, mais...
Christian Bale (The Dark Knight, Batman Begins) has been cast as John Connor in Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, says Ain't It Cool News.McG is directing the summer 2009 release, which has an early 2008 production start and seeks to reinvent the cyborg saga with a storyline to be told over a three-movie span. Warner Bros. will distribute domestically.The screenplay was written by Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines duo John Brancato and Michael Ferris.The film is set in the future, in a full-scale war between Skynet and humankind.

Donc le titre officiel de T4 = "Terminator Salvation : The Fututre Begins" ?ça fait un peu trop kikoulol entre "salvation" et "the future begins" !

"The end begins" .... c'est comment dire? Profond? :DJ'attends le trailer pour me faire une idée plus précise, mais j'avoue que cela se présente moins mal que ce que j'avais imaginé.

Je suis pas du genre à me plaindre de cet aspect en général, mais là je trouve vraiment qu'un PG-13 pour un Terminator est une aberration totale. J'arrive pas à imaginer un futur apocalyptique aseptisé.Sinon le teaser montre pas grand chose. Wait and Sea, Sex and Sun...

Ca veut dire qu'on ne verra plus la terminatrix sortant en costume d'Eve de sa boule électrique ? :( zut alors, j'imagine donc que les gros flingues lanceront des bulles de savon.

Oh relax ! PG-13, je suis pas sur que cela signifie quoi que ce soit... Pour exemple, 300 était enfant admis en belgique, pourtant les têtes volaient, les cadavres pourrissaient, on avait son lot de femme nue, alors...;) Mais le teaser est chouette, et ça à pas l'air trop mal ! A suivre donc !

Luhkah a écrit :Oh relax ! PG-13, je suis pas sur que cela signifie quoi que ce soit...
Bah si au contraire ça veut dire beaucoup de choses :- pas plus d'un "fuck" (allez savoir pourquoi) et pas trop de "shit" (connais pas le nombre exact par contre)- violence aseptisé (sang autorisé sur les corps après blessures mais effusions interdites)- interdiction de voir un bout de téton dépasser (bon là pour un Terminator on s'en tape un peu)- une ambiance pas trop glauque (oui la MPAA se soucie de vous au point de juger un aspect totalement subjectif)- etc.Et je suis très sérieux, les gars de la commission ont des grilles avec tous les critères, comptent le nombre de gros mots au "cock sucker" près et tout.(Matez le docu This Film is Not Yet Rated, c'est pas inquiétant du tout le fonctionnement de cet organisme)