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Petite mise en appétit avec Robin Hobb
Par Merwin Tonnel, le 27 mai 2011 à 15:59
L'interview en anglais
- How did you end up having breakfast with your French fans during les Imaginales?
- At first, I think it that the idea came from les Imaginales. They tried it last year and it was a success. I’ve already done breakfast with fans before. It is a moment I appreciate a lot. What I like to do, is to change places between courses, so I can talk to everybody. I have met many wonderful friends at previous meals at conventions. These offer me a chance to get to know readers as people, and to hear their ideas. The casual setting leads to wonderful conversation.
- How do you imagine this moment with your French fans? What do you expect?
I do not expect anything in particular; I am just looking forward living this moment. I will leave things be and let things happen. I think the best experiences are not so carefully planned but the ones that simply happen.
- Do you expect to eat anything in particular? Do you want to try something new?
- I prefer simple foods, especially in the morning! My interest will be more on the company than on what I am eating, I think. And coffee or tea, of course! I always need my caffeine in the morning!
Pages de l'article
Robin Hobb
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Les interviews
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